Small scale water models

These models were made to predict the changes to fish habitat that might result from developments in rivers. By small scale I mean rivers 2 m wide to 20 m wide over distances of less than a few kilometres. Usually we were employed to look at the changes […]

Tracking birds from thermal images

Here’s some work I did with others for a paper led by Martyna Syposz. The paper is open access and available here. The requirement was to track birds as they moved across each frame of a video of thermal images taken with a modern infrared camera. In the […]

Models of fish

I made these models originally to avoid using mathematics. I wanted to work out how flexible springs would have to be to wriggle the tail of a fish that swam with the standard theoretical wave form. The springs would need to be off-set from the centre line of […]

Oyster settlement models

I’ve made a load of models of small living particles being moved around in hydrodynamic models (have a look at a few of the posts here). Mostly larvae, but also seeds and other propagules. These things can swim, and they can change their buoyancy. They can alter their […]

Cellular Automata and Sand Dunes

Here’s a very short summary of a complex load of modelling that I was involved with. The basic model is a cellular model on a grid – each grid square has a stack of grains of sand on it. Then each step of the model involves a grain […]

Salmon movements in Alaska

Here I made a few models for a fisher (Andrew Scudder). At the time NOAA were producing two week forecasts of the currents in Prince William Sound in Alaska. Andrew had the idea that we might be able to model salmon returning to their natal rivers by using […]

Modelling historical tag tracks

Here is an example of taking a track from an historical paper and modelling it. This means that new information can be derived from old published data. So, we take a modern hydrodynamic model of the area where the tag was deployed, we set it up to replicate […]

Tuna behaviour and scans

Here is an MRI scan of a tuna head – 1m TL Albacore Tuna. Kindly provided by Hobart Hospital. This is reproduced from a paper I co-authored on Tuna behaviour, listed in the scientific references in this site.

Artemis – mussel machine learning

Artemis – aren’t they all called that! Here I developed a simple method to machine classify the behavioural state of a load of mussels. Basically the experiment consisted of exposing groups of 8 mussels to a varying concentration of pollutants to see when they reacted (by closing their […]

Beach process – cellular automata

Here is a model I made of a beach. It was based on a talk by Alan Brampton at HR Wallingford. Alan explained how various sizes of particles in beaches are moved around by the action of the waves pumping the wet aggregate of sand pebble and rocks. […]